Russell Brand on if he hopes daughters avoid his disgusting self when dating

Timeline of events around Russell Brand allegations

Russell Brand revealed in 2017 that he would not be “worked up” if when his daughters were older they formed relationships with someone who enjoys casual intimacy.

The comedian, 48, shared how he had “amended” his previous womanising ways and only cared that his daughters one day find happiness with people who are “caring and sensitive”.

The resurfaced comments from Russell come as he is accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse at the height of his fame in an investigation by The Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches.

He has denied all allegations against him, saying he “absolutely refuted” the claims put to him by both parties in their investigation.

In a clip on YouTube from BBC’s Newsnight that has been viewed over 100,000 times, presenter Emily Maitlis asked Russell if he was “appalled” by his previous womanising ways.

She said: “When you look back at that promiscuous lifestyle does that appall you? Do you not think, ‘God, I was disgusting?’

“Do you look at your daughter now and think, ‘I hope she never meets Russell Brand when she grows up?’”

In response, Russell explained: “Don’t get so worked up about it. It’s only a rhetorical device.

“‘Does it appall you?’ No, my dear. I don’t look back at the past and get all worked up about it like Ebenezer Scrooge.

“I simply think those are some things I’ve done. I’ve amended for them.

“As for the likelihood of some sort of Faustian kick up the a*** from future Russell… If my daughter meets someone who’s caring and sensitive and knows how to communicate then I think that will be a good thing.

“And I hope that by the time she is dating men or women or whatever she’s into she will be schooled in how to think, how to understand emotions and to understand that whatever it is that presents himself, herself, itself at that doorstep.

“It won’t make her feel any better if she’s not connected to who she really is,” he finished.

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After dating several high-profile women in the early 2000s, Russell is now happily married to Laura Gallacher, 36, who is 13 years his junior, and the couple are currently expecting their third child.

They are already parents to one daughter seven, and another, five, who they keep out of the limelight.

Laura first met Russell when he was on BBC Radio 2 through her big sister Kirsty and they dated for a short time while she was a teenage art student.

The couple now live in a £3 million house near plush Henley-on-Thames.

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