I know that I drink too much booze but I'm sick of everyone telling me | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M sick of everyone telling me that I should stop drinking so much.

I’m a man of 53 and I know that I put away too much booze.

My partner split with me because she felt I put drink before her and even my mum had a go at me for my drinking.

They both said: “If you really wanted to give up, you would.”

Well I do. I’m not proud that I’m a functioning alcoholic but there isn’t enough support for people like me.

I work when the AA meetings are on and the counselling I was offered through my doctor was useless.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I know that AA meetings are not for everyone, but there is other help available.

My support pack Problem Drinker has lots more information but do also call Drinkline (0300 123 1110), which offers confidential advice and information on treatment available.

We Are With You (wearewithyou.org.uk, 0808 801 0750) offers free, confidential help through local centres and online.

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