Alan Carr apologises for 'being sick' live behind This Morning sofa

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Alan Carr apologised for doing the unthinkable during the latest edition of This Morning.

The former Chatty Man presenter, 47, appeared on Friday’s show to promote his new BBC quiz series Picture Slam.

Showing viewers a clip of what to expect, it shows two guests correctly guess that a piece of fruit is a durian to which Alan recalls his experience with the fruit in Singapore, which according to him ‘absolutely stinks.’

Lucky for Alan, hosts Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary had the fruit in question ready for Alan to try, but even though couldn’t have predicted what would happen next.

‘Can I get rid of it?’ Alan asked after taking a bite.

He was then seen leaning over the back of the sofa to spit it out to Alison and Dermot’s shock.

‘We did have a tissue but don’t worry!’ Alison laughed.

Alan replied: ‘Oh sorry, I thought I was back at home!I feel bad about being sick behind your sofa, I’ll clean it up, I’m not a savage!’

‘It smells so bad
 It’s like I’ve come in here and trumped!’

Alan isn’t the only one that made an unfortunate blunder this week.

The 82-year-old Harry Potter actress, who often comes out with expletives and sexual innuendos during interviews, had no filter when dishing out advice to fans during Wednesday’s episode.

When speaking to one caller, the actress was questioned about how a girlfriend should speak to her partner, who is always watching videos on his phone.

‘What you could do is one day, when he comes home, you could be completely naked, and display yourself,’ she began.

‘Push up your breasts and show him what you’ve got and say, “Look at me and not that f***ing screen.’

As Holly mouthed sorry to the camera, Miriam made sure to clarify she hadn’t actually sworn.

‘I didn’t say it, I mouthed it,’ she said, leaning back in her chair and smiling.

‘Sorry anyway though, just in case you could understand what that meant,’ Holly jumped in.

This Morning airs weekdays at 10am on ITV.

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