Coleen Rooney shares biggest regret from Wagatha Christie court case

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Coleen Rooney has admitted she regrets the amount of time she “mentally” spent away from her children due to the highly-publicised Wagatha Christie court case.

Wayne Rooney’s wife fought Rebekah Vardy in court after accusing her of leaking posts from her private Instagram account to The Sun newspaper.

The case was finally closed in July 2022 when Jamie Vardy’s wife lost her libel case against Coleen after initially suing her for defamation in 2020.

Reflecting on the period, Coleen, 38, revealed she regretted not focusing on her children more during the time.

As a guest on Giovanna Fletcher’s podcast Happy Mum Happy Baby, the mother-of-four was asked: “If you could write a letter on motherhood, who would it be to and what would you say?”

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She replied: “You’ll never feel a love like you do with your children, its a totally different love.

“Just make the most of it. Don’t get eaten up and distracted and let that take your time away from your children.

“Which I’ve learnt recently, even though I was physically there and looking after my children, mentally I wasn’t.

“And that is my biggest regret from that court case, that I was so distracted and wasn’t there for my kids.”

Coleen previously said the case had also sparked tears and health woes such as anxiety and reactive arthritis caused by stress.

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She explained on This Morning: “I’ve had it previously but this situation brought it on a lot more. It stripped me of my character and I didn’t want to socialise with people.

“I was completely in my own world. It was not a nice place to be.”

She went on to admit that she “maybe” could’ve approached the situation differently but wasn’t “one for looking back”.

“I did it and now I’m here. That massive cloud has lifted… there is value in the end,” she added.

“It consumed my life for a few years so it’s a weight off my shoulders now, and I can get back to focusing properly on my family and friends, who mean a lot to me.”

Coleen detailed her full version of events in the Disney+ documentary Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story.

During the film, she said she still stands by her accusations which she first shared on social media back in January 2019 when Rebekah was pregnant.

Jamie’s wife lost her libel case back in July which reportedly left her “devastated”.

Download Giovanna Fletcher’s Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast every Tuesday at 6am from

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