Horoscopes today – Russell Grants star sign forecast for Monday, September 4


A slight change in self-image will arise from an experience that makes you strongly aware of the effect you have on other people. You haven’t found it easy to communicate what you are feeling or revealing the truth. You aren’t sure what you want to see happen now but you can see that someone really cares.


It’s hard to identify and understand your own emotions when you are talking to someone with a powerful personality. You are very aware of how they feel as they are expressing themselves loudly and vividly but you need time to consider your own reactions.


You will be proving to someone who is stuck in their ways that there are more ways than one to get the job done. You will need to use skills you haven’t used in a long time in order to carry out a job assignment. Exercising your creativity in this way will give you a whole new outlook on life.


Due to an event that will swing in your favour, things start looking up for you. Both your job prospects and your popularity will soar. It does not matter whether this is down to pure chance or it reflects your hard work. You have a lot to be pleased about.


You’re determined to get to the root of a problem. You will leave no stone unturned to discover answers and you will be absorbing lots of information. Friends and colleagues will be asking you lots of questions. That’s because they know that you know more than them.


Your methods are just as effective as the ones a senior colleague is suggesting. Their way isn’t best even though they seem to think so. Proving you know what you are doing will make them think and become more flexible in the future. You might notice an increased respect in this relationship.


You have high hopes that a new arrangement will be an important start to breaking down boundaries and changing things for a better future. Signing contracts and entering formal agreements will be beneficial. This would also be a good time to come to an agreement over a division of labour.


Don’t be too hard on yourself if you feel you have made a wrong decision. What happens all around you and other people’s decisions can influence the choices you make. Sometimes they aren’t the right ones but at least you tried. Turn your attention towards more rewarding pursuits.


You have the skills, flair and ability to be able to handle a number of jobs at the same time. In addition to this, even if you don’t feel confident about stating your views, you will actually sound knowledgeable on many things. An intelligent observation will earn you respect and admiration.


It will be more fun than you had expected to work with a group of like-minded people. With the support of your team you are gaining confidence in yourself. You are being encouraged to believe in yourself and to live your life more positively. Get out there and do what you love.


A relationship needs more work. A colleague, friend or neighbour still doesn’t realise how unclear they can be. At some point you will need them to give a more detailed explanation about an issue that is bothering you. At least an older relative is listening to you intently.


You won’t be sure why a colleague walks out and you will wonder whether they have gone for good. Keep your thoughts to yourself just in case they do return. If possible, go with a desire to work behind the scenes. If you feel you aren’t getting the recognition you deserve, you might start looking for another line of work.

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