Brits urged to avoid common winter driving mistake – or risk instant £100 fine

The weather is getting colder and we're all starting to layer up – but drivers have been warned to be careful behind the wheel.

This is because making a simple mistake could set you back a lot – and it all involves wearing your coat. Findings of a survey commissioned by shed light on a common winter driving habit that could end with a hefty fine.

One in eight UK drivers admit to taking off their winter coats while behind the wheel. While it might seem like a harmless action to cool down once your car heating kicks in, there's a potential downside – a £100 fine and penalty points for careless driving if you're caught by the police.

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Ash Young, founder of, who commissioned the survey, said: "The survey highlights the need for drivers to be aware of the potential consequences of what seem like simple actions such as taking off layers while driving. The cold weather has arrived, and while staying comfortable is important, it's crucial to be aware of the rules to avoid unnecessary fines. Safety is key, even in the small things."

There a few rules you should be aware of ahead of the cooler months when driving.

If a police officer pulls you over for taking off winter layers behind the wheel, you could face a £100 on-the-spot fine and three penalty points for careless driving. In addition, if the incident goes further and into court, the penalty for driving without due care and attention could leave motorists with fines of up to £2,500, or £5,000 in extreme cases.

Instead, Rule 237 of The Highway Code states you should keep your vehicle well ventilated to avoid drowsiness.

While rule 97 states you should ensure clothing and footwear do not prevent you from using the controls in the correct manner. Something else to consider with chunky winter boots on the pedals and gloves that could cause you to slip when steering.

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