MLB Player Rips Foul Ball Into Fan's Beer, Wild Photos Capture Moment of Impact!

Beer isn’t just for drinking at Spring Training — it may also have SAVED A LIFE!!

Check out these incredible photos showing the moment an MLB player smashed a line drive foul ball directly into a fan’s beer can during a Spring Training game this weekend — causing a massive liquid explosion!

It all went down in the 2nd inning of the Angels vs. A’s game Saturday at Diablo Stadium in Tempe — when A’s catcher Sean Murphy stepped up to the plate and smacked a laser beam toward 3rd base.

A quick-thinking fan used his beer can as a shield to protect himself and his lady friend from getting hit by the ball — and photographer Mark Rebilas managed to snap some pics right at the moment of impact!!!

The good news … the fan and his friend weren’t hurt.

The bad news … those stadium beers are pricey as hell — and judging by the explosion, it was a pretty full can!

But, more good news … the Angels did the right thing and sent the fan FOUR MORE BEERS along with an autographed Mike Trout bat.

Bonus points for sending the beers over in a bag of ice to keep ’em cold!

But seriously, shout out to Rebilas for the amazing shots.

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