{"id":68659,"date":"2023-12-02T09:49:15","date_gmt":"2023-12-02T09:49:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordcelnews.com\/?p=68659"},"modified":"2023-12-02T09:49:15","modified_gmt":"2023-12-02T09:49:15","slug":"geordie-shore-star-on-traumatising-reunion-with-james-and-how-shes-now-found-love","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordcelnews.com\/tv-movies\/geordie-shore-star-on-traumatising-reunion-with-james-and-how-shes-now-found-love\/","title":{"rendered":"Geordie Shore star on traumatising reunion with James and how shes now found love"},"content":{"rendered":"

Geordie Shore: Hot Single Summer hit our screens in 2021, bringing together existing cast members and newcomers who were on a quest to find love. <\/p>\n

Now, one of the new cast members for that series, Roxy Hamedi, 29, from Scotland, has revealed in an exclusive interview with OK!<\/b> that seeing her ex James Tindale, who she met on the show, at the reunion was tough.<\/p>\n

She'd assumed that everyone going into the show was single but James had a girlfriend and didn't tell her. <\/p>\n

Roxy says: \u201cThe reunion show was traumatising when he said our relationship was all fake and that we only dated on the series. It was the first time we\u2019d seen each other since our series aired.<\/p>\n

"All the feelings flooded back, I thought how could he be so manipulative and lie when he could have just said \u2018I\u2019m ending it before it gets any worse\u2019. I wish him well but I don\u2019t need that energy around me anymore."<\/p>\n


The 29-year-old, who quit her job as a pharmacist to be on the show after responding to an Instagram DM from a producer, was upset as she and James had been very intimate on the series and she'd had feelings for him. <\/p>\n

She added: \u201cWe texted for a while after the show but I knew something was off- I found the girl had commented on one of his pictures.<\/p>\n

"The girl kicked off on Instagram when she saw the final episode of the show and I got a lot of s*** online. She never even talked to me or dm\u2019d me."<\/p>\n

It wasn't the only struggle Roxy faced after Geordie Shore, as she revealed she was "overwhelmed" by life after the show and was feeling lost. <\/p>\n


\u201cNo one can prepare you for life after. You come out on a high and have an adrenaline rush and then you feel super low. I would say I had borderline depression", she said. <\/p>\n

The star was also adjusting to life without a camera crew around, as during filming for Geordie Shore they were always there and she had to wear a mic all the time.<\/p>\n

"Filming was four weeks non-stop and felt a bit like Big Brother. They were always watching and it was so different, I have never experienced anything like it.<\/p>\n

\u201cI was very tired by the end of it, you have to dress up and look glam and talk with everyone and sometimes you just want the peace. I needed a month to recover, it was a night out that didn\u2019t end. Still it was really fun and I met amazing people, apart from James."<\/p>\n


She laughed: \u201cAfter the show I came home to my family house and I\u2019d expect a camera crew and the lights to come on and I\u2019d wake up to silence which was weird.<\/p>\n

\u201cI went shopping with my mum a week after I went out and it felt weird being in a public space. I felt so uncomfortable because I\u2019d been safe in a small environment."<\/p>\n

Despite some of the tougher times Roxy has had following Geordie Shore, she's experienced some positives too, as she has found love again, with a man who prefers to stay out of the spotlight. <\/p>\n


She tells us: \u201cI\u2019m really happy. We have said I love you to each other but I\u2019m taking things slow right now, it\u2019s about eight months. <\/p>\n

"I\u2019m approaching it in a different way. He has no interest in reality television and isn\u2019t even on Instagram. He's very opposite to who I'd normally date but it's going really well and he's been super supportive of my brand and everything."<\/p>\n

Roxy has also launched her own cosmetics brand, A Selfish Soul, which sells a product called Browtasia that shapes and fills in your brows.<\/p>\n


\u201cI have trichotillomania and pull out my eyebrow hair so I developed a product to fill out the gap in my brows with a manufacturer.<\/span><\/p>\n

"It can be sad for some time coming out of a relationship but you still have the rest of your life to try and make a difference and do something for you," she says.<\/p>\n

Check out A Selfish Soul here: https:\/\/www.aselfishsoul.com\/<\/p>\n<\/p>\n